If we had made this post right away, our day at the Indiana Dunes beach on Saturday, May 19 would have seemed more impressive. Now it is past Memorial Day—and beaches everywhere are open!
In fact, there was no swimming allowed at the Indiana Dunes that day. But if Maisie could talk she would tell you that the water made her feet very, very cold.
This post is really just an excuse to post some pictures of Maisie and Luc. Our trip to the dunes was also just an excuse to drive our BOB jogging stroller around in a new location.
In terms of other news, we continue to grow and learn as a family. Our Dunes trip was a try-out, as well, for a family car trip. We did reach Maisie’s level of tolerance for time in her car seat during a long day in which we left home at noon or so and returned at 7 in the evening. Our Dunes trip included a swing through Valparaiso to shop at a Target. What did we buy after our day at the beach? Sand shovels and buckets, baby beach chairs, and even a baby beach tent! Also some size 3 diapers for Maisie and some new plush bath towels.
Ed eyed the double bicycle stroller attachment, but Peggy suggested holding off—in part because there was no room left in the car.
We’re ready for summer, baby!
In fact, there was no swimming allowed at the Indiana Dunes that day. But if Maisie could talk she would tell you that the water made her feet very, very cold.
This post is really just an excuse to post some pictures of Maisie and Luc. Our trip to the dunes was also just an excuse to drive our BOB jogging stroller around in a new location.
We’re ready for summer, baby!