Thursday, March 22, 2007

Baby Cot and a Visit to Lang Son Soon

With news that we travel to Lang Son tomorrow at 7:30 to visit the babies, we at least prepared by finally finding a baby cot at what we call the Hanoi Mall (also known as the Trang Tien Plaza). We bought it on an afternoon shopping trip with Marci and Lisa, and it was just delivered to our hotel room. For 1,200,000 VN dong, it is a bargain! The delivery man, who probably delivered it by scooter, wouldn't take a tip, but he did accept one of our Chicago Marathon hats.

If you haven't figured it out by now, we are just visiting tomorrow, and our G and R is now scheduled for Monday. We hope that is a firm date, but one never knows in Vietnam. Patience seems to be the name of the game.

Our baby cot purchase at the Mall gave me a chance to get a photo of the motor bikes lined up waiting for what appears to be one of three traffic signals in Hanoi. These traffic signals seem to be only suggestions to drivers, bikers and pedestrians, rather than actual rules about whose turn it is to cross.

On Ed's run, he discovered a place called Bar-B-Que Chicken, so we ate there today with the whole crowd (Lisa, Betty, Marci, Katie and Tien), and then celebrated our fast food indulgence with the masks they handed us on the way out. If you can't tell in the photo of the motor bikes, many riders have face masks, I assume to block the exhaust of the traffic. You can buy them all over. But we got our chicken masks just for eating at the hip and trendy new Western style chicken joint (though they served a side of fish sauce with the chicken and rice).

We did miss our driver's arrival with the baby cot, but here's a glimpse of our street at rush hour. It is a one-way street, but no one seems to pay much attention to that. Mostly, it is more like a warning than a requirement.
We had to laugh at the two guys on a motor bike carrying a large pane of glass. And I particularly liked the family of three with mom in a mini-skirt and high heels sitting side saddle, no hands. For all of my worry about walking around the streets with the babies, the rest of Hanoi seems perfectly happy to ride with infants and toddlers astride motor bikes. And we worry about kids on bicycles without helmets!


Anonymous said...

YEAH! This is the most fantastic news.....and I can't wait to read your next update after you have a chance to see Masie adn Luc.


Anonymous said...

Very happy for you guys and your patience is amazing. Bring some masks back for our track team, distance runners. If they think running down Roosevelt or Halsted is bad.....


Anonymous said...

that cot is adorable! Looking forward to the new pictures.

Anonymous said...

Are you up yet? It's almost time to go! Can't wait to hear about your visit. Hug those babies once for me.
Auntie Ruth

Anonymous said...

We love the baby cot. So, what are your plans for the cot when you guys head back home?
We really are enjoying these latest posts; you guys are a scream. I can't wait to don our masks at the chicken joint. We hope that you are, by now, well on your way to Lang Son. Those cuties will be in your arms for the first time very soon and soon after, forever.

Anonymous said...

This is so weird. Just yesterday I heard an interview on NPR with the guy who started Pho 24 - he's looking to make it an international Vietnamese fast food place that will rival McDonalds. They're starting to open up places in select cities in the US. (not Chicago yet, though)

Anyway, it's awesome hearing your travel and baby experiences! We miss you guys!!
Jeff and Kelly

rick samaha said...

It's amazing having much you have seen and done - and how little sleep you've had! It sure is great that both of you with your excellent writing skills have made a very detailed and enjoyable depiction of your adventure. The photos are terrific, also. We're all so happy for you that your special parenthood with your babes in-hand begins soon.
