Thursday, April 5, 2007

Delayed Once More

After waiting all day, hoping for the call from the US Embassy that our last visa interview would be today, we heard from Martin that there was no news. We'd already found the Korean Air office within walking distance from our hotel earlier in the day (but arrived during the lunch break form 12:00-1:30), so we walked back in the afternoon.

Flights are booked tight, but we did get on a flight out of Hanoi Tuesday at midnight that stops in Seoul (early Wednesday morning), where we catch a flight that arrives in Chicago around 10:00 in the morning on Wednesday. Flights are so tight that we'll have to take Vietnam Air to Seoul, and this caused us some worry about the baggage limits since Korean Air is more generous than Vietnam Air, but our bags will be checked though Korean Air, so we are all right.

Marci just made it to the office in time after our call to come quick to book her family, and she also is on our flight, with the last four tickets that were available. Lisa leaves tonight on the flight that all three of our families had hoped to be on together.

On the walk back from Korean Air we stopped at our local Hanoi "Walmart" to pick up some formula, a bottle opener and baby nail clippers. Marci also found chocolate bunnies on sticks, giant gold-foil wrapped chocolate eggs and smaller ones as well. She plans to do Easter here, and even found an English speaking Church that we could all attend on Sunday. The Church is Catholic, and Marci and her family are Lutheran, but she said it was close enough.

Before Lisa, Cindy and Tiann left, we had a baby cousin photo shot on our big bed. They were all obliging for the paparazzi, but Luc didn't like being on his tummy too much!

Now we wait again to hear something tomorrow from the Embassy. Even though it is Good Friday, we do think they are working. At least we hope so.

We need a call from the embassy on Friday or Monday to have visas for the babies by Tuesday, so we can fly.


Anonymous said...

Blessed Easter to everyone...Enjoy the service...Loved the pictures of the kiddos

rick samaha said...

Great idea to take that beautiful cousin photo before the departures. And I imagine there will be plenty more adorable sibling pics from the paparazzi family and friends back home.
We're glad for you (and Marci) that you were able to work out the tight logistics of the new return trip.