Sunday, April 29, 2007

So what else has been going on?

Of course we have to say more about the last two weeks—actually, closer to three weeks—since we’ve been home. If you want to know how we spend our time, we're usually either on the playmat or out for a walk!

Peggy has been catching up with her classes at the University of Chicago, which started without her while we were in Hanoi. I’ve been at home much of each day with the babies, until Peggy comes home in the afternoon. Then I head to Saint Ignatius to coach our boys track team. The schedule works great, with the only problem on Tuesday afternoons when Peggy has class and I have to coach. We’ve been getting help from Peggy’s friend and colleague at the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, Maureen Schmidt, who has stayed with Maisie and Luc. She has been a lifesaver for us. Peggy's sister Eileen took an afternoon class, too!

Weekends have been lots of track meets and some shopping. On one visit to Target we used the gift card from the boys on my team to buy various baby essentials. As noted, we also splurged on a jogging stroller.

We’ve had lots of visitors, including friends Kelly and Jeff, Charlotte, Uncle Johnny and my daughter Mairead, who of course is also Maisie's and Luc's sister. When Peggy had a late afternoon meeting with one of her professors on campus, she met up with Mairead who took the babies for a stroll around campus—except the short stroll turned out to be two hours. Mairead managed well, but she got worried when the sun was going down and the babies started to get cold and a little cranky after she had already fed them with all the supplies we had given her! Peggy and I both returned in the nick of time. For Mairead it was a little like Vietnam was for us, when one woman told her that she needed to put more clothes on those babies!

We have so many thank yous to give—especially to Peggy’s Lab School colleagues who threw her a shower where they met Maisie and Luc.


Mairead said...

I can't wait for Hanna to be home to meet her brother and sister, too, and, what's more, to help with the feat that is babysitting them sans a playmat! =op

Jenny said...

Hi there, my husband and I have twin baby girls from Viet Nam adopted in December. I saw your post on RQ and I posted as well.

It is wonderful to see your two babies. Good luck!

Jenny said...

oh you can find me here:

Anonymous said...

Your little children are adorable. Congratulations to you. I saw your post on RQ. My husband and I are LID to China and researching Vietnam for another child. We also live in the Chicago area. I would love to know more about the agency you worked with for your Vietnam adoption. If you ever get a chance, please email me at Take care.

The 4 Moore's said...

HI Ed & Peggy,

Love the new posts and pictures of Luc & Maisie. I'm always a big fan of your blog. Its well written and easy to read. Everyone looks very happy and like life at home is going very well. Congrats again! And thanks so much for letting us borrow the phone!


Person_called_PRW said...


I clicked my way through your blog and photos and just want to say, congratulations! And don't think it will end with the jogging stroller--I can't tell you how much $ we spent on various bicycle-type contraptions, carriers, and the like before all my boys could bike on their own! :)

Best regards,
Paula Worthington