Friday, April 6, 2007

Good Friday

We have had several inquiries about how the Vietnamese celebrate Easter. Well, most of them don't know much about it. Even Martin had to be reminded about the weekend and what he knew about it--"Bunny," he said and nodded. But our hotel is two blocks from the Cathedral. We discovered it our first evening in Hanoi, a Sunday, when we went out to dinner and discovered Sunday mass was being broadcast outdoors and hundreds of people seemed to be celebrating mass in the square outside the church. The French were here a long time.

Now we walk past the Cathedral several times a day. Earlier today we walked by and photographed the Easter weekend banners that had been unfurled. There is a school nearby, as well, and the children play in the square today.

But later, in the evening at 5:30, we walked by to discover an entirely different scene. The photos below retell the old story as it was reenacted.

Meanwhile, as the passion played out, motorbikes, cars, taxis, and minibuses whizzed by, and pedestrians milled about. Most of the city just went about its business.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this -- it was amazing to read about and the photos are great. Looking forward to when you are back next week!

rick samaha said...

We're continuing to enjoy all that you relate in your blog though we wish the adoption process wasn't so difficult for you.
The passion and life on earth before and after remind me of the unbelievable things that have happened to so many people over the past couple centuries and up to the present day - limitless sacrifices, suffering, love, joy, etc.
Your trip has had a mixture of these as all of you parents bring special blessings and new life opportunities for your children. Happy Easter, Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Thanks for posting these photos.
I agree with what Rick said.
Happy Easter.

Jan Yourist said...

Can't wait to see you guys and hear your stories!


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing your adoption blog with me. I truely enjoyed reading and learning from it. I'm glad to hear the baby's are doing well, and I hope you have a happy Easter in Hanoi.

- Susan

Dawn said...

I am just reading your blog now, but I just realized that you were probably at Mass on Easter with my co-worker's sister, husband, and new son that they were there to get!! Small world!!